14 February 2010

I droped the Bad News

Haaai on the Lunar New Year's Eve I dropped the bad news on my dad. Not sure how he is taking it but so far it seems like he is taking is very well.

I just informed him casually that there is another bank that is making me an offer to start up a new department. The package there is significantly higher than my current job. So he is encouraging me to take it up.

What he doesn't know is that I really do not want to work for other people any more. All I want is to do the insurance business. Then hopefully I can prove myself and then take over from him. In that way I can get out of employment.

He is just saying that in order for me to achieve the level of income that I am currently earning will take me a few years in the Insurance industry. That it is good for me to go ahead and take up that offer. Well I don't mind if I don't have all my current loan commitments. This money is not that important to me. One thing I am really worried about is that if I just quit and do insurance now. I will not be able to meet my loan commitments and I will then loose my house and car and other things as well.

Yes, I also admit that one big contributing factor to me doing insurance is also for him anyway. In that way he can retire as well and not loose his lifestyle. Life just get's complicated as we age.

02 February 2010

Danger on MEX

Last weekend, as I was traveling back from the Airport I was using the MEX Highway. As there were not many cars, I would usually speed around 130 - 140 Km/h.

As I was approaching the Bukit Jalil exit there was a turning and I went in to an area that was raining for some time. Then suddenly something caught my eye on the rear mirror.

There was a Gen2 or it a persona behind me just kept spinning around I saw it spen around 4 - 5 rounds and then finally come to a halt.

Luckily there were no cars that were just too close behind that car or there will be a bad accident. My friends whenever you are on the road, please drive safely. Check your tyres, change them if they are running bald.

Since the Spring festival will be happening in 2 weeks. May I remind all of you who are travelling to at least check the safetly features before heading home for your festivities or holidays.

Till I write here again. All the best, take good care and have a nice hilidays.