07 August 2009

Mysteriously Gone

I withdrew some money from the ATM today because I was running low on cash. I also anticipated that I will need to use some money for something tomorrow so I took a little bit more.

Then I went for my dinner. It cost about RM 12.00 and so I paid with all the smaller notes that I have left in my wallet. After dinner I went to the gym and did not take out my wallet from my pocket, it was in my locker all the time.

After my gym on my way home a customer called and said that she have some problem with the machine that we supplied to her company. So I decided to drop by her restaurant and settle the problem.

I think I did take out my wallet at that time and left it on the table in front of me where I was trying to solve the problem for her.

Well after that I had to get something done at home. Knowing that my petrol tank was empty I decided to go out to fill my petrol tank and get some Vitamin "C". When I went to the counter to purchase the Cigarettes I realised that my wallet was empty. There were only my credit cards, ATM card and identity card inside.

The RM 350 that should be in my wallet was completely gone. I have no idea when or how I lost the money. Kept thinking about it ... just so sad. Just cannot figure out where and how I lost it. I do not even remember taking out my wallet beside being at the restaurant and my gym membership card at the gym. Haiiiyaaaaa...

29 July 2009

Doing Charity at no cost

I received an email today. This email is from World Community Grid and I have not been participating for some time now since my old computer died.

So I have decided to join again. To download again this software from World Community Grid and contribute to the world community for the research of humanity. They use the idle time of our computers to help in calculations for research to look for cure like :
  • Cancer
  • AIDS
  • Influenza
  • Clean Energy and other things.
I am not able to contribute much back to society as I do not have much spare time nor money to give. I do not have many special skills that is able to help. Perhaps this is one way I can contribute to society.

Perhaps you guys should try it as well. I believe there is no virus no worries.

Just go to www.worldcommunitygrid.org and download the software. Maybe it will help save someone's life someday.

19 July 2009

Now I know Why already

Haah.... have been complaining that I cannot surf the net with my mobile phone thought there is something wrong with my phone or something. Recently I also cannot check my call history and the phone keep resetting.

Now I know why. Out of curiosity I managed to find a way to see that my phone has been keeping call records of all incoming calls, all out going calls and all missed calls since 2005. Decided to clear this history and Waalaa ! ! ! !

  • I can check my call history again.
  • I can surf the net again
  • It does not reset so much on it's own.
Come to think of it this small Palm Treo 650 really pack some power. It's only got 32MB built in memory and it can store over 144,000 phone call records, 100 pictures, 600 notes, 3,000 names in my address books, Chat dialog with 300 people via SMS & MMS.

In spite of all that it still have room to spare although it is struggling.

I'm looking forward to the new Palm Pre hopefully it is selling somewhere near the price where it is sold in the US. At USD 199.99 it should be MYR 699.99 but with the tax and other charges let's hope it is within MYR 1,000

However judging at the trend of it's previous models being sold at USD 199.99 it should be selling here in Malaysia for MYR 2,400. When I spoke to the distributor of this mobile phone he said that it should be significantly higher than MYR 2,400 maybe close to MYR 3,000.

What kind of justice is this ? Wondering if I can get one in a neighbouring country for less.

18 July 2009

Oh My Gosh I forgot

I was enjoying my peaceful sleep and suddenly I realised. Oh My Gosh !!

I promised a merchant night before last that I will visit his outlet to pass some cheques to him. I was just too tired and went straight home to bed . Just like any night and totally forgot of my promise.

On my way for appointments and in between appointments yesterday I keep driving past this outlet but they were not open. I thought this restaurant will open for lunch as well. However I just found out that they only open for dinner. So at midnight last night I manage to deliver my promise but 24 hours late.

16 July 2009

My Phone is so dead

Have you ever encountered a time when you forgot to charge your phone battery and half way through the work day your battery dies on you. Then you don't have the chance to re-charge your battery because you forgot to bring your charger out that day.

To make matter worse you have a full day of appointments outside the office and don't get the chance to plug in to re-charge. To top it all up clients keep calling you and your office keep calling you at the same time to check on stuff with you.

Then suddenly when your fruiends call you later in the evening the phone just switch off by itself. hmmmm stressed ! ! ! But then it is good stress as I find myself a little more productive this way hahahaha am I crazy or something ??

12 July 2009







The Big Move

Ahhh finally I have thought of a name to use and figure out how to register and use this blogspot. So today I shall start to post my blog here instead of spaces because my friends say that they cannot read my blog on spaces.

Still thinking if I should just leave everything behind... all my memories all my experiences or bring them here as well.

Or perhaps I shall have these two blogs to be concurrent so the same posts will appear on both side.