23 October 2010

You Think ! ! !

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in Kayu with a client and having a late lunch discussion. Late lunch was at 4:00 pm.

After the discussion, my client left and I packed my stuff, took the bill and wanted to leave. As I got up from my chair and turned around I saw someone in the next table eating alone who look extremely familiar, except that he is now a few times the size when I know him earlier.

A few times the size does not mean fat but muscular. I just couldn't figure out who this person was and where I met him. Then he looked up at me and said "What ! ! "

"I replied you look familiar I think I know you fr..."

He then jumped in and said "YOU THINK ! ! Huh! !"

and he continued eating.

Hmmm dunno to consider that an embarrassing moment or just met a really rude person. Have you encountered such situations before?

1 comment:

  1. I THINK !!
    He just took steroids, can't control the emotion
